james orthOn Wednesday James Orth had an impressive workout with the 49ers at their Santa Clara facility. The San Jose State Free Safety is looking to secure a free agent spot with an NFL team. It was a big turn around from his previous pro day performance at San Jose State just one month ago. He did’nt run well in the 40yd dash posting only a 4.79. He gave me a call and wanted to make a change from his previous trainer. I previously had worked with James while he was in high school attending Central Catholic in Modesto.

The last SJSU defensive back to combine prep at Gamespeed was Dwight Lowery who was drafted by the Jets in 2008.

We pretty much only had three weeks to get ready for the 49er combine. James came in and worked hard. He’s a very disciplined athlete and knows how to think things through which is important in learning proper techniques. Fast forward 8 sessions of speed training, shuttle work, L-drill work and movement skills and he blazes a 4.57 40 yard dash and nails the shuttle and L-drills. That’s a .22 drop in just 3 weeks of training!

When I spoke with James he was pumped. He said, “I kinda surprised myself, I was cutting sharper, feet just sticking to the ground and running fast, everything was firing. My one on one drills were great. I did really well. Thanks so much Aaron.”

Your more than welcome James. Our work wont stop until you sign that NFL contract! See you at the gym.

Read more about James at SJSU: