Me and EJ are very proud of the Athletic Infielder class. It doesn’t create a lot of buzz because we don’t hype it up like most other programs do. Our athletes quietly attend, get better and go forth to their seasons. Usually we get props because an athlete makes an exceptional play they previously wouldn’t or couldn’t make. However, the class is not just about the exceptional, its about the fundamentals. Our philosophy is: “Master the fundamentals and the exceptional becomes routine.”
One parent wrote us recently confirming just that.
Hello Aaron,
“You were right about Julian being a second baseman.  During last week NTIS 15u try outs he showed solid fundamental in what he learned from your in-fielding class and made several outstanding plays.  There was a clear difference between players with and without fundamental training.
Tni and I agreed that Julian must continue with all session that you offer…. He will still continue his catcher workout at Catch-All on Sunday, but Mondays will be game-speed.”
Patrick I. Jackson III


The Athletic Infielder Class

Coming this Fall

Stay Tuned

Join us and be a “Play Maker!”


BTW, like the new logo? It only took us over ten years to get one.