The Athletic Infielder Academy (AIA) is the most unique baseball development program in the Bay Area. By blending the necessary athletic and fielding skills we can bridge the gap from practice to play.  Over a four month period the participants went through a series of specially structured workout routines to build athleticism and fielding skills.  These routines were designed to be fun, challenging and innovative but most importantly effective. The results show success in both areas of training.


After 29 training sessions we saw encouraging improvement in the particpants athlecisim particularly speed and explopsiveness.

Speed- The athletes averaged between .11-.13 improvement in speed testing. This translates into a “one step” (3′-6′) improvement in ground coverage and range. That means getting to more balls and making more plays.

Vertical Jump (Explosiveness)- The athletes averaged an improvement of 2.3″- 2.5 ” in the vertical jump that’s a 10-15% performance improvement. Not just jumping but the inital first step to the ball which provides the fielder with more time to get in the best position to make the play.

Fielding Skill

Over these 29 sessions our group of 16 infielders improved a great deal in quickness to the ball, transferring ball into throwing position and fielding the ball in fundamental sound position. These improvements were based on initial testing and final testing on 6 different fielding tests. The AIA analysis showed:.

  1. 30 sec Wall Test Above and below belt from 6 feet = Group avg 4.0 more reps above the belt and 7.0 more below the belt .
  2. First step Grade Test = Group average improved 1.25 grades on first step quickness and recognition.
  3. 6 ball Grade test = Group average improved 7.5 points. 
  4. 15 sec Glove to ball transition transfer without dropping the ball = Group average was 9.6 more reps. 

We want to thank all the particpants and parents for commiting to this program and look forward to hearing the stories of your success in the coming season and will see you at our next AIA series coming this  Summer and Fall.