About Us
The Gamespeed Story
Aaron Thigpen
Speed & Movement Coach, Owner.
The Bay Area’s best athletes are powered by Gamespeed
Gamespeed was started in 1995 by Aaron Thigpen, who was a member of 11 U.S. national teams, a two time US Olympic trials qualifier, a 2011 and 2007 Masters World Silver Medalist at 100 meters and semi-pro baseball player. He is the current American record holder for the 60 meters in the 40-44 age Division.
Aaron started coaching as a college athlete at the age of eighteen while attending San Diego State. After graduating college he started coaching other athletes part-time between his professional track and field seasons before finally opening Gamespeed 21 years ago at the urging of his athletes.
Aaron’s experience in the trenches as an athlete, competitor, coach and speed trainer started long before performance training became an industry. A USATF certified coach and level I instructor, Aaron has been a guest instructor at the Olympic training center in San Diego and other international venues in Great Britain and South America. His mentors have included some of the most notable and influential names in speed development and sports performance.

Get ahead of the Game
Nearly two decades of athletic development training keeps Aaron Thigpin a step ahead of other trainers. He understands that athletic development is an ever changing and evolving subject. Aaron owns an ever increasing sports performance library to prove it. His college studies include: exercise physiology, bio-mechanics, and sports psychology, as well as master’s level course work in Sports Administration. Aaron was the first trainer in California to develop and implement curriculum for a Speed and Power training course at the community college level in 1995.
With a unique blend of old school and new school knowledge he is able to bring the art and science of sports performance together for optimal results. During his career, Aaron has developed a reputation as an exceptional athlete, published writer, speaker and technician in the field of speed development and athletic performance. He maintains an ongoing working relationship with some of the industry’s most influential coaches and trainers.
For more than 21 years, Gamespeed has been the answer for athletes ready to turn things around. From NFL hopefuls who have thousands of dollars on the line for a professional career to kids who want to make their Little League team, Aaron is the trainer of choice.
Our Mission
Our mission is to teach you how to become an all-around better athlete. At Gamespeed you will learn the proper facets of an athletic lifestyle, state of mind and physical preparation.
How We Train

Athletic Evaluation
First you sign up for an initial evaluation/training session. This enables Aaron to evaluate your athletic skills and start as a jumping off point for your development.

Managed Athletic Plan
M.A.P provides athletes with the training resources both physically and mentally to move to the next level. We set training schedules and priorities to have you ready at the right time.

Training Begins
You attend and undergo the training.