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So far Game has created 330 blog entries.

Pitching Velocity – If You Want to Join The Arms Race Pick Your Program Carefully

Velo….Velo….Velo…. It’s the buzz word that has everyone one clamoring to Pitching Velocity Programs all over the country.  Full disclosure, having a Pitchers Off Season Program myself (Top Gun & Young Guns) I am not here to promote or bad talk any program out there. What I want to do is make parents and athletes aware of how to stay safe and healthy. As a performance trainer for over 25 years I won’t say I’m a founder but I was involved in the early development and influence of some of the first Power/Velocity  Throwing programs developed in this country back in 2001-2002.

So I have seen the inception and the evolution of these programs in its many forms. Due to its explosion and high demand there are some trends that I find disturbing and the buyer should be aware.  I would say go to the internet to research the modalities used in many of the programs but there are very few “independent” scientific studies done from researchers who are not at the same time promoting their own programs. Not to say they are being dishonest in their findings but they do have skin in the game. There are as […]

Pitching Velocity – If You Want to Join The Arms Race Pick Your Program Carefully2021-08-23T10:39:12-07:00

What Does Fast look Like? Depends on What you Need.

By Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed Sports  June 2020

When developing a speed program consider all aspects of how to play the position.  

Here’s an example of how I might breakdown the Speed Considerations for an athlete at Gamespeed:

Sport: Baseball           Sport Specific Performance
Position: Short Stop  
Running Speed Home to first base, Extra Bases, Steals
Arm Speed Velocity of throws from fielding pocket to first base
Multi Directional First Step Quickness Getting a jump on a ball in play
Hand Quickness Transfer from catch to throw
Decision Making Reading the situation to make the appropriate play


Once you’ve identified the areas then you can put a training plan into play to improve them. So we […]

What Does Fast look Like? Depends on What you Need.2021-12-17T13:45:17-08:00

Going Nowhere Fast? – Using High Speed Treadmills

Being a former professional caliber sprinter for 20 years and performance trainer for over 25 years I’ve used just about every device known to man to improve speed. I’ve seen them all come, go and come back again. So whats back? High Speed Treadmills. Well kinda, with the shelter in place ordinances athletes are looking for ways to keep up their speed training. So I decided to give them another look and did some research. I had tried high speed treadmills in the past albeit 15- 20 years ago when I was competing professionally. I was not impressed and didn’t see the real world correlation between running on a motor assisted treadmill and sprinting over ground. Generally, I found that your mechanics were different (actually improper) and you didn’t produce ground forces in the same way . Today it seems thing haven’t changed much with the newer models. The pitch hasn’t changed either, Youtube videos and testimonials from trainers, athletes and parents touting their athletes improved such.. and such.. miles per hours..etc.. etc. Usually posting speeds at miles per hour they can nowhere get close to over the ground.
A recent independent study seems to suggest their ineffectiveness is still the […]
Going Nowhere Fast? – Using High Speed Treadmills2021-12-17T13:45:42-08:00

Designing Your Shelter In Place Gym

There’s a BOOM of gyms opening up all over the country. Unfortunately their in garages, bedrooms and back yards.
SIP (Shelter In Place) It’s a reality for everyone. What can an athlete do to stay in shape?  Everyday I’m getting more and more calls from clients who want home programs. Their equipment status ranges from none to full blown gyms. So what can you do? Answer is, quite a bit. You can sustain or maybe even make gains with the proper program, attitude, minimal space and equipment.
Here’s some “Inside Game” suggestions on how to navigate SIP training.
Minimum Space – An 8’x8′ space is great for lifting, cardio, agility and range of movement activities.
Floor Surface – Use what you got but if you are doing lots of jumping maybe find a grassy, carpeted space or place a mat down (rubber preferred).
None – Body weight exercises are a great place to start. Calisthenics, plyometrics (jumps), aerobics, partner resistance can all be accomplished. There are hundreds of exercises and variations.
Weights – Dumbbells or Kettlebell’s are great and very versatile. Don’t get a whole set just get what you need 2-3 pairs would be fine.
Medicine Balls – There are a variety or types.  I suggest […]
Designing Your Shelter In Place Gym2021-12-17T13:46:06-08:00

If Your Not Being An Athlete Right Now, STOP Eating Like One

Look Covid19 has thrown us all for a loop. Our daily routines have been turned upside down. As  athletes we become creatures of habit with schedules and training routines. We also have nutrition plans and schedules. At least those of us who are serious. Our bodies adjust to these patterns mentally and physically. We become hungry at the same time of day so we feed that response. Some of us as much as six times per day. Well if your not working out or you have a reduced training schedule to avoid eating too many calories you will need to modify your eating habits accordingly.
Some things to keep in mind:
Avoid crimes of opportunity: Around the house more, around the fridge more don’t let more access turn into more calories.
Stay disciplined: Set a new schedule and stick too it.
Avoid the Creeps: Calorie Counting will keep you aware of your intake levels.
Match Calories to your activity Level: Active day high calorie , low activity low calories.
Quality: Keep high quality foods, watch junk food and snacks.
Adjust your schedule: Try morning fast and watch those late night meals or snacks.
Watch your portions: Only need to feed the beast if operating […]
If Your Not Being An Athlete Right Now, STOP Eating Like One2021-12-17T13:46:41-08:00

GS Virtual Gym – Daily/Weekly Workout

Total Body Dumbbell Workout March 16th

Multi Sport Kettle Bell Workout March 23rd

Upperbody Track Workout March 31st

Upperbody Track Workout April 21st

Physio/Swiss Ball Workout Apr 28th

GS Virtual Gym – Daily/Weekly Workout2020-04-26T13:53:13-07:00

Gamespeed Mobile App

Put GAMESPEED at Your Fingertips
GAMESPEED is pleased to announce a new and easy way for our members to access gym information, schedules, and more with the new mobile app.
With the app you’ll be able to view:
  • Hours of Operation
  • Class & Special Event Announcements.
  • Find the latest updates.
  • Connect on Social Media
  • View our Blog
To get our new MemberMe+ app, just visit the iTunes App Store or Android Play Store and search for MemberMe+ to download it directly to your mobile phone. Once downloaded, you can search for GAMESPEED  in the database.


We are confident that with this new tool, you’ll be able to stay on top of what’s going on in the gym and to ensure that you make the most out of your training experience with us.


As always, I appreciate you being a part of GAMESPEED.
Yours In Sport,
Aaron Thigpen
Owner, Gamespeed
Gamespeed Mobile App2020-01-21T11:00:45-08:00

Making The Switch To In Season Training

Making The Switch To In Season Training

By Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed Sports Performance

Jan 2019

The Start of the Highschool season is right around the corner. Hopefully you are finishing up a well planned off season training regiment (Right??). You’ve got gains, felling good, ready to go. Well the start of the competitive season doesn’t mean the work has to stop. For some the highschool season is just a segway into the more important Summer Season. How do you have a solid prep season and be prepared for the Summer? The answer, a In Season Training program!  It will, maintain your performance gains and finish the high school season strong. If planned out correctly, It doesn’t take as much time and effort (as off season training) but it does take consistency.

The benefits of in season training:

  • Sustain muscle strength for power.
  • Sustain connective tissue health to reduce likelihood of repetitive stress injuries.
  • Sustain endurance to maintain a higher level of play.
  • Sustain durability to handle to rigors of multiple competitions, scrimmages and practices throughout the week.
  • Most importantly to bridge your readiness for the upcoming summer season.

What Should You Do?

  • At minimum train a total of two- four hours total […]
Making The Switch To In Season Training2021-12-17T13:47:15-08:00

Mobility & Recovery Class

Mobility & Recovery Class
Foam Roller, Banded Stretch, Voodoo Floss
This Class Is Designed To:
Teach The Proper Use of These Devices
Develop Your Own Mobility Routine
Increased Range of Motion
Faster Recovery
Reduce Injury
Starts December 29th
10:00am – 10:30am
Cost: $25 cash / $30 Credit
To Sign Up Call:
925 222 – 9612
Mobility & Recovery Class2020-01-03T18:32:43-08:00
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