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Water Work Outs – Come On In the Water’s Fine
October 2021 By Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed You gotta be wondering, I play a land based sport, why would he be talking about pool workouts? Well pool workouts [...]
Want to get Fast? Jump to It with Plyometrics
Want to get Fast? Jump to It with Plyometrics By Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed Sports, August 2021 In an athletes pursuit of speed the one thing that brings [...]
5 Reasons to Consider A Summer Lifting Program
Okay summers here. Time for sun, fun and weights? Yes I said weights. Summer is an optimum time to make strength gains. Now don't get me wrong, [...]
The “Training Effect” – How long does it take?
"The Training Effect"- How long does it take? By Aaron Thigpen, May 2020Â How long will it take me to get faster? how long will it take [...]
The Awkward Athlete
THE AWKWARD ATHLETE by Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed Sports May 2021 A few years ago I was approached by two parents. They had a thirteen year old son [...]
Speed Development- Hill Running, for more than the obvious reasons.
By Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed April 2021 Hills are a tremendous way of developing speed. Other than the obvious strength component, there are other important reasons athletes should [...]
Single Leg Deceleration
Single & Double Legged Deceleration Exercises In field and court sports the ability to decelerate is crucial to play at the highest levels. Starting, stopping, speeding [...]
Ankle/Foot Mobility Drills
Ankle/Foot Mobility Drills by Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed March 2021 Ankle mobility and strength can prevent injuries to joints higher up the kinetic chain like the knees [...]