Ok kids, I riddle you this? What can be against you, but yet on your side?…………TIME!!

Good conscience, Bad timing…Tick…Tock…
Sometimes “life be lifing” too hard and you can’t get anything done or at least the way you want to. A couple weeks ago I had the unfortunate experience of having to come to the aid of a long time acquaintance who fell on hard times. Having been through something similar, dimentia, with my mom, eldercare can be time consuming and emotionally draining. Note to self do not get old and do not get old alone. Lets just say the safety net of social security, has lots of holes in it. Today’s system for eldercare is ridiculous to say the least and woefully inadequate for most, so I’ll say less. My advice save your money, lots of it, be nice to people, don’t break relationships,  fix them with your family and friends. To be old, broke and alone is tragic.
Side thought- Is it true humanity if good deeds are only done when its convenient?
Anyway… I’m not sure I’ve gotten everything in I’d hope too to be completely prepared. I have had basically three weeks. The last 7-10 days prior to competition is a “de-load” phase where there is not much to do, just tuning up, stride, stretch, easy lift maybe three days. So going into this I had to make a decision, in two weeks how do I get just a little more speed out of the body without triggering any cramps. Cramps at this point could derail any hopes of competing because there wouldn’t be enough time to recover and get healthy again….Tick
Survive, Win, Record?
The question facing me, what’s my goal at worlds? go for the World title by running conservatively in the first two rounds hope to survive and make the final and try to win it all OR go for broke each run, pedal to the metal and go for the record? Not sure if both were attainable…..Glory or History. So I had to strategize and decide, should this cycle be power based, speed based, or technique.  I wanted to get that extra tenth of a second. I was 7.65 comfortably for the win at Nationals, not redlining but not a walk in the park. Breaking the record of 7.52 is in reach but could be risky trying to break. My mind might say yes but the body could say hell no. I also have stiff competition coming from all over the world. Nothings a lock.
So I decided to go with technique,  in this case sharpen my block work. Since my only race was at Nationals my start was solid but not razor sharp like in my olden days so maybe my margin for improvement was there and it could provide the cushion to get out, try and control the race and then decide how fast to go….Tock
Blocks and my Virgo nature
Some of you are probably thinking, what’s he talking about? gun fires you “haul ass”..well in reality high level sprint execution requires strategy and control even for something as short as a 60m dash. Reactions, phases, angles, the right acceleration effort at the right time all effect the outcome whatever the goal. Yeah it could be a lot.
So blocks it is….when I do block work it’s not just doing starts, its practicing starts by a process of rehearsal, so that means stride counts, body positioning and rhythm. In addition, I perform complimentary lifting protocols to improve power, horizontal propulsion, core work to maintain posture and angles, and foot strengthening to reduce power leaks.
A Virgo super power is the ability to be relentless in pursuing perfection, scrutinizing the smallest detail. Its a blessing and a curse. .. as a result we can overthink things. Were good at digging our own rabbit holes, which can be a big time suck. So sometimes technique work can go off the rails, trying to perfect everything, very time consuming….Tick
Double Duty
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I’m entered in the Long Jump too. Which I haven’t done since last year so add that to the list. Getting comfortable with take offs and landings, and my biggest problem; hitting the takeoff board properly and not fouling. I only went 3 for 6 last year. Balancing combo workouts has been a challenge physically and logistically, luckily I have a pit at my gym….Tock
What got done?
Well with helping my friend, we found him elder housing (YAY!!), my work schedule, dodging the weather and finding an open track (flag football your killing me). I probably got 75% of the track work I wanted to get done. As I mentioned I own a gym and could do block starts indoors for 20m and also get my lifting in. It’ll have to be enough and I can’t pine over what didn’t get done…Tick
So “Technique” will be my go to!! Only time will tell (pardon the pun) if its the right decision. As I said in my last post “Skills Pays the Bills!”
And so the plot thickens…Tock
See ya at the finish line,
Coach Aaron

My Comeback Chronicles Previous Blog Posts

Blog Post # 2- Its The Shoes

Blog Post #1 – A Long Road Back for Just A short Sprint 

2024 Outdoor National Championships