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Sports Training Speed, Agility, Strength

Sports Training

Speed Training , Agility Training , Strength Training 

Located in Concord but serving the entire Bay Area Gamespeed is an athletic performance training center for athletes who are serious about their sports. We specialize in Speed Training, Power, Agility, and Conditioning. The Bay Area’s best athletes are powered by Gamespeed. Gamespeed is a “training” center, not just a place you go to work out. Our mission is to teach you how to become an all-around better athlete. At Gamespeed, you will learn the proper facets of an athletic lifestyle, state of mind, and physical preparation.
Our “go” is our show. We rely on purposeful and relevant work…and leave the “enter-trainment” to others. At Gamespeed, our athletes build their bodies as well as their minds, achieving that quiet confidence and inner strength necessary to compete at the highest levels.

We Train Athletes in The Following Sports: Baseball Softball Football Soccer Track Lacrosse Swimming Boxing Volleyball Basketball Tennis

To Sign Up or For More Information […]

By |2023-10-03T17:59:42-07:00September 21st, 2019|Comments Off on Sports Training Speed, Agility, Strength

The Power of Resistance Running in Speed Training

The Power of Resistance Running to Improve Speed 
There a many forms of resistance running exercises to improve speed. Anyone looking to improve speed should have this type of component in their training regiment.
Resistance training benefits include the development of better ground forces to propel the body as well as improving stride length.
Some of the most popular forms include:  hills, parachutes, partner, tires and sleds and variable mechanical devices.
All can be effective at some level. Here is how I rank their effectiveness. Best to least.
1. Variable Resistance – capability to adjust athlete appropriate load/resistance.
2. Sleds – also adjustable but cumbersome to use. Multiple weights to change load.
3. Hills – no variable resistance, need multiple hills, can lead to shin, knee back injuries.
4. Tires– cumbersome, inconsistent resistance.
5. Parachutes – can experience inconsistent resistance during acceleration.
6. Partner – only as good as the person providing resistance.
At Gamespeed we Level Up our resistance speed training by using variable load devices to provide the correct loads appropriate to each individual athlete. Not just doing it, but doing it better is what we are all about.  Only the Swift Survive
Train Hard: Good
 Train Smart: Better
By |2019-08-22T10:41:46-07:00August 22nd, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Power of Resistance Running in Speed Training

Speed Versus Quickness – Know the Difference

By Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed Sports  Oct 2018

Speed and Quickness are two related but different skills sets. As such each requires different forms of training. 

Speed can be thought of as moving the body rapidly in “one direction”,covering distance and is generally not stimulus driven. Accelerating, maximal sprints or runs are demonstrations of speed.

Quickness can be thought of as an atheltes instant “reaction” and corresponding change in body movement to a stimulus. A shift in posture, hand movement, multi directional step, dodge or cut are demonstrations of quickness. 

The training for each is commonly confused. Heres a little help on separating the most common exercises used  in the pursuit of both.

SPEED                                                  QUICKNESS

Accelerations/Sprints                            Ladder Drills

Hill Runs                                                  Skipping

Sled Pushes/Pulls                […]

By |2021-12-17T13:49:43-08:00October 29th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Speed Versus Quickness – Know the Difference

Speed Tip: Proper “Armswing” is key to faster running.

Speed Tip: The Proper “Armswing” is key to faster running.

  1. Swing the arms forward and backward, not across the body.
  2. Swing the arms from the shoulders.
  3. Keep the elbows bent at about 90 degrees and focus on driving them backward.
  4. The hands should pass the body at pocket height.
  5. Swing the arms powerfully through a full range of motion. Chin height to pass the butt.
  6. Keep the shoulders and hands relaxed. The shoulders should be down and the hands should be relaxed but firm. Do not clench your fist or flop the hands.

Concord- Gamespeed sports provides running training to youth athletes in a variety of sports. Ready to Raise Your Game? Check out our Speed Skills & Youth Speed Skills Classes

Coach Aaron Thigpen is a former world class sprinter and has been teaching athletes to run faster for over 25 years. 

By |2021-12-17T13:56:49-08:00February 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Speed Tip: Proper “Armswing” is key to faster running.

Gamespeed HP Classes


If you enjoyed our “Speed Skills” class nows your chance to “Level Up!

In a challenging and competitive group setting our “HP” classes are designed for the high school athlete. Not your “you tube” exercises. Our “learn it” and “use it” approach only includes activites that provide impact on the field and court.


Designed to improve flexibility and range of motion.


Core exercises for balance, coordination and the transfer of force.


Corrective exercies for proper alignment of the body for optimum performance


First Step quickness and Accleration are the two most dominant components for field and court athletes.


Resistance Training to develop maximal and “usable” playing strength qualities.


Start & Stop, Change of Direction the qualities of play makers.



TUESDAYS: 6:30 – 7:30PM

THURSDAYS: 6:30 – […]

By |2018-03-01T12:04:32-08:00January 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gamespeed HP Classes

Play a field sport? Try “Speed Endurance” Training to Keep Up.

Field sports like Soccer, Lacrosse and Rugby require bursts of varying speeds over  varying distances all over the course of 60- 90 minutes. The unpredictable ebb and flow of these sports require specific speed demands.  While aerobic endurance (continuous running) is important it is “Speed Endurance” that determines your ability to sustain a high level of competitive performance. Want to stay in the game? Develop your “Speed Endurance”.

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Integrate “speed sets” into skills sessions. For every 10 min. skill training 3 min. Intensified speed.
  2. Vary the reps, length of runs, intensity (%of effort).
  3. Vary the movements; lateral, start stop, jumping.
  4. Vary your starting positions: Staggered, Balanced, Running, Skipping, Jump.

These bouts of intensified  speed will allow athletes to adapt to higher intensities of training, become more efficient with running mechanics,  play at higher paces and improve their ability to recover under fatigue.

Sample Speed Endurance “Speed Intensified Circuits” for a 60min practice.

Staggered Starts 3 x Left  & 3 x Right @ 20 yards

Speed Skater Cuts  3 x 4 Cuts and Go @10 yards

Skipping Start 3 x 5 yards and Go @ 20 yards

Tuck Jumps  and Go  5 x Tuck and Go 10 yards

Sprint Shuttles (Walk or jog back) […]

By |2021-07-04T14:36:56-07:00December 27th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Play a field sport? Try “Speed Endurance” Training to Keep Up.

Speed Training – Practice Decision Making To Improve Performance

Concord Ca, – Aaron Thigpen , Gamespeed Sports performance
Years ago I had a ball player named Johnny Ash first as a highschooler at Bishop ODowd then as a collegiate at Stanford, then as a minor leaguer (Astros). He was a solid athlete who worked hard, wasnt the most physically gifted but he put in the right work. However, Johnny was clutch, probably the most clutch hitter I’ve seen. Over his careeer I watched him be in pressure situations and come up with not just a hit but the right hit (College World Series). Was it luck? How did he do it?
He and his father Wil intently worked on scenario based hitting mentally and physically practicing a whole range of scenarios and pressure situations to elicit the proper mental and physical response at game time. In his case it wasnt luck, it was skill. 

It’s game time you scan the court or field. Teammates and opposition dot the landscape. What do you do? Can you anticipate your next move? your opponents? The mind has to process in a split second what the appropriate response needs to be. Is it luck,  instinct or purposeful training? I think its some of the latter. […]

By |2022-01-03T23:46:28-08:00September 27th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Speed Training – Practice Decision Making To Improve Performance

Speed, Agility, Strength Training


Located in Concord but serving the entire Bay Area Gamespeed is an athletic performance training center for athletes who are serious about their sports. We specialize in training for Speed, Power, Agility, and Conditioning.

The Bay Area’s best athletes are powered by Gamespeed. Gamespeed is a “training” center, not just a place you go to work out. Our mission is to teach you how to become an all-around better athlete. At Gamespeed, you will learn the proper facets of an athletic lifestyle, state of mind, and physical preparation.

Our “go” is our show. We rely on purposeful and relevant work…and leave the “enter-trainment” to others. At Gamespeed, our athletes build their bodies as well as their minds, achieving that quiet confidence and inner strength necessary to compete at the highest levels.

We Train Athletes in The Following Sports: Baseball Softball Football Soccer Track Lacrosse Swimming Boxing Volleyball Basketball Tennis

To Sign Up or For More Information Call

925 513-8676

By |2019-08-22T14:18:33-07:00December 11th, 2016|Comments Off on Speed, Agility, Strength Training

Running & Speed Development Training

Speed Training

A Different Brand of Speed Training

Gamespeed’s style of speed training is unlike any other in the Bay Area.  Most trainers implement strength programs to induce improvements in speed. This only yields temporary results. Its done because its simple to do. The problem is that its short sighted and doesn’t position the athlete for continued improvement and development.  The second is to imitate track drills. Both tactics look impressive to parents and athletes and give a quick short term result.  However,  the athlete soon plateaus and your back to the same problems. When working with developing athletes its not about short term but long term improvements and success. At Gamespeed our training improves overall movement skills where you continue to reap the benefits your whole athletic life.

Training the Gamespeed way

Speed training at Gamespeed is more than pushing sleds and doing hi- knee drills. We analyze the athlete and develop a running style to fit the athletes current […]

By |2020-03-17T20:52:21-07:00May 13th, 2016|Comments Off on Running & Speed Development Training
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