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The Results Are In: Top Gun Program A Success!

Below is the initial follow up and results dated Feb 8th 2016.  As of July22nd only one athlete has suffered an arm injury due to an extended lay off vacation period and resuming throwing without the proper ramp up activities. One athlete is still throwing on average 88-89 mph at this late date at the Area Code tryouts.  A four (4) mph improvement over his last years average.


The Top Gun program concluded last month in our opinion with great success. The program consisted of twenty three (23) training days (after 8 days prep cycle) over a four month period, twice a week and four training cycles. Two days were guest instructors one on Grip & Spin for Effective Pitching and the second on Mental Skills training. So actually twenty one (21) training days. The goals of the program were accomplished by each and every athlete. In addition, every athlete who started the program on day one finished the program. We lost no athletes during this process.

Unlike most programs that start with huge fanfare and high participation we graduated every athlete who signed up. This speaks to the dedication and enthusiasm of our athletes and […]

By |2016-12-09T00:02:29-08:00February 7th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Results Are In: Top Gun Program A Success!

Athletic Infielder Drop Ins for Nov & Dec classes.

Like to try the Athletic Infielder class but cant commit to multiple sessions. Or just want to see what its about? Now’s your chance. We are offering a drop in rate for our remaining sessions. By reservation only.

Cost for single session: $65

Baseball & Softball Athletes
The only program of its kind in the Bay Area.
This dynamic program offers a two-pronged approach to developing the ultimate play maker. Participants will sharpen their fielding skills and techniques with former SF Giants player Erik Johnson of EJ Sports and strengthen their athletic skill development with Gamespeed’s Aaron Thigpen. It promises to be the most effective 75 minutes of training a baseball athlete can undergo.
Remaining Dates: November 9th, 16th, 30th, Dec 7th.
Time: Mondays 7:00-8:30pm
Ages: 11 to 14 (athletes will be grouped by ability).

For more information or to sign up, call Gamespeed at (925) 513-8676.


By |2015-11-07T16:57:16-08:00November 7th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Athletic Infielder Drop Ins for Nov & Dec classes.

Fast Feet & Sport M.O.V.E.S Training

agility train

Do you have blazing foot skills and the M.O.V.E.S to dominate on the field  or court?

Short burst speed and rapid change of direction is what separates players and play-makers.

This class will focus on all the facets of MULTI-DIRECTIONAL speed, balance and coordination for field and court athletes.

Come cut, jump, twist, turn and burst for sixty minutes of  training sure to challenge and improve your abilities.

Day: Mondays

October Dates: Oct 12th, 19th, 26th.

Instructor: Aaron Thigpen

Ages: 12 & Up.

Time: 7:00- 8:00 pm

Cost: $37 per session (cash) $39 (credit).

To Pay Online “Add Cart”

[wp_cart_button name=”Fast Feet Program” price=”39.00″]



By |2016-12-09T00:02:39-08:00October 5th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fast Feet & Sport M.O.V.E.S Training

Top Gun – Throwers Off Season Development Program

Please bear with me, just a quick story:
“Two years ago a young man showed up at Gamespeed. He had been cut from his high school team his senior year. Now he was entering his first year of Junior college but still had the desire to play. I asked him how good he was and he said he didn’t “throw very hard but I know I can play”.  I said let’s get you evaluated. I sent him to a very knowledgable and respected pitching coach in the area. After throwing for the coach , he was told pretty much “he didn’t have it”, his velocity was 72-74mph and he was 18 years old, just too far behind. He was undersized and his body unathletic and weak. I asked him what did he want to do, he said I know I can play, so I said let’s get to work. For the next two years this young man put his head down and got to it, he worked out 3-4 days a week a Gamespeed and did the homework I gave him. He rarely missed a workout and […]
By |2019-07-24T12:50:17-07:00September 5th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Top Gun – Throwers Off Season Development Program

Gregg P. wins MLB: Pitch Hit Run Competition.

gregg pitch hit run 2015

Congratulations to Gamespeed’s Gregg P. Gregg won the Pitch Hit Run Competition held at Giants stadium.  He was behind the leader until the final event, the base dash.  In true Gamespeed fashion he blew the competition away and won the whole event!

It reminded me of another Gamespeed youth Callan Bard who won the NFL Punt Pass Kick Sectionals back in 2011.

Football: Callan Bard wins NFL Punt Pass Kick Sectionals

Congratulations to Callan Bard  (Napa) who won the NFL Pepsi, Punt, Pass & Kick Sectionals in Daly City last Saturday and will perform at the beginning of the 49er game next Sunday Dec 4th. This serious gridster is an athlete. He makes the drive on Sundays the day after pop-warner games for private sessions. When most kids are taking the day off playing video games he enjoys working on his receiving skills and speed.  Good luck Cal.

By |2016-12-09T00:02:43-08:00July 3rd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gregg P. wins MLB: Pitch Hit Run Competition.

Athletic Infielder’s Specialty Summer Clinics



Cancelled as of 6/10

Athletic Infielder’s Specialty Summer Clinics

Position Specific Infielding

Get a powerful 90 minutes of instruction completely dedicated to your position. Each clinic will address all the dynamics of being better at your position. This scenario based training will develop skills in:

  • Tactics & Positioning
  • Decision Making
  • Fielding Range
  • Quick Hands
  • Throwing & Arm Strength
  • Footwork

This class will combine forty five (45) minutes of position specific work instructed by Erik Johnson of EJ Sports with forty five  (45) minutes of athletic skills instruction with Gamespeed’s Aaron Thigpen.

Boys & Girls
Ages 10 & Up  (Athletes will be grouped based on ability)

Second Base & Shortstop
June 11th Thursday
1:00- 2:30pm
$68 (credit card)
$65 (cash/check)

First & Third Basemen
June 12th Friday
1:00 – 2:30pm
$68 (credit card)
$65 (cash/check)


Register & Pay Below

[Form id=”11″]

Athletic Infielder Summer Camp Payment

[wp_cart_button name=”Athletic Infielder Summer Camp” price=”68.00″][show_wp_shopping_cart]
By |2016-12-09T00:02:47-08:00May 6th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Athletic Infielder’s Specialty Summer Clinics

Fory’s “Fast Feet” Soccer Camp

fory soccer
Fory’s “Fast Feet” Soccer Camp 


  Hey guys Jair’s  back in town for this one day event. 
The Jair Fory Soccer Academy and Gamespeed have teamed up once again for a special Soccer & Speed Development Camp.This “FAST FEET” Camp will focus on:1. Dribbling & Ball Handling
2. Passing & Shooting
3. Multi- Directional First Step Quickness
4.  Acceleration
5. Shadowing and Reaction
Bring a ball, cleats and be ready to compete. Learn your skills and apply them in a competitive atmosphere with small sided drills and games.
Where: Gamespeed @ The Challenge Grounds
990 Detroit Ave, Concord
When:  Thursday May 28th
Time: 7:00- 8:30 pm
Ages:  9 -13  
Cost: $60
Limited Space                                                                                                                                                                              If questions please call  925-513-8676. Email:

Coach Fory, US Soccer Federation “A” , NSCAA Premier licensed coach, certified youth coach and coach instructor, has worked with soccer’s elite from around the globe. He has coached both men’s and women’s national finalist club teams, and has given numerous youth clinics with some of the world’s best known soccer players and coaches such as Carlos Bilardo, […]
By |2016-12-09T00:02:47-08:00May 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fory’s “Fast Feet” Soccer Camp

One Sport Athletes

One Sport Athletes

A recent chart has been circulating Twitter regarding Urban Meyer’s football recruits at Ohio State.  I pulled the picture from @ohiovarsity, but I’ve seen it in many places already.  At any rate, here it is:

Embedded image permalink

In my time as a multi-sport coach and AD at various sized schools, I’ve often heard kids who are dropping one sport in order to “focus” on another.

My response to all of those kids is simple.  When college coaches speak to high school coaches, one of the first questions often asked is, “What other sports does he/she play?”  I can remember college football coaches coming to high school basketball games to see our kids play, and there are often college coaches at high school track meets watching kids compete.

Every now and then I hear the argument that college coaches prefer kids to spend all of their time preparing for one sport.  I agree that there are probably some coaches like that, but they are in the LARGE minority.  More so than having acute, specialized, sport-specific knowledge, college […]

By |2016-12-09T00:02:49-08:00January 26th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on One Sport Athletes

Will lifting weights stunt your growth? At what age should you start lifting weights?

enzo balance push up

Will lifting weights stunt your growth? At what age should you start lifting weights?

By– ALAN STEIN Nov-29 2010

Alan is a performance consultant for Nike Basketball, head conditioning coach for the annual Jordan Brand Classic, the CP3 Elite Guard Camp and the Nike Basketball Summer Skills Academies. Alan is a former camp coach at the prestigious NBA Players Association’s Top 100 Camp as well as the former strength & conditioning coach for the McDonald’s All-American game.

I agree with Alan’s perspective on the introduction of strength training which doesn’t necessarily mean weight training. A very sensible approach that is individual specific is the most prudent way to proceed.


Let me put an end to this lingering myth once and for all…Proper strength training does not stunt growth! In fact, you can actually begin a safe, age appropriate training program as young as 8 or 9 years old.
For all of the 13 and 14 year olds who email me or hit me up on Twitter or Facebook asking when they should start strength training… my answer is… today!

The most important concept to understand is that a child’s chronological age and their physical […]

By |2016-12-09T00:02:50-08:00January 7th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Will lifting weights stunt your growth? At what age should you start lifting weights?

The Total Baseball Athlete Training Series

Participants will sharpen their fielding skills and techniques with former SF Giants player Erik Johnson of EJ Sports
Strengthen and improve your athletic skills with Gamespeed’s Aaron Thigpen.

Improve your batspeed and power with Brian Engberg of Five Tool Instruction.
Series Starts Monday January 12th
**Space is limited, reserve your spot**
Baseball & Softball Athletes
The only program of its kind in the Bay Area.
 It promises to be the most effective 90 minutes of training a baseball athlete can undergo.
Participants can will spend 30 minutes of intense instruction with each professional.Expect to see improvement in:
Soft- Quick Hands
Running Speed
First Step Explosiveness
Bat Speed & Power
Dates: February 23rd, March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.
Time: Mondays 7:00-8:30pm
Ages: 11 and Up (athletes will be grouped by ability).
For athletes under 11. We will take an interest list. If enough participants, we  will open it up to these athletes to form their own grouping. Be sure to call ASAP to express your interest.
Two Ways to Pay:
Check/Cash: $365
Mail or drop off must be “received” by Jan 10th.
Mail to: 1594 Dawnview Drive, Brentwood, […]
By |2016-12-09T00:02:50-08:00January 2nd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Total Baseball Athlete Training Series
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