Speed Training
A Different Brand of Speed Training
Gamespeed’s style of speed training is unlike any other in the Bay Area. Most trainers implement strength programs to induce improvements in speed. This only yields temporary results. Its done because its simple to do. The problem is that its short sighted and doesn’t position the athlete for continued improvement and development. The second is to imitate track drills. Both tactics look impressive to parents and athletes and give a quick short term result. However, the athlete soon plateaus and your back to the same problems. When working with developing athletes its not about short term but long term improvements and success. At Gamespeed our training improves overall movement skills where you continue to reap the benefits your whole athletic life.

Training the Gamespeed way
Speed training at Gamespeed is more than pushing sleds and doing hi- knee drills. We analyze the athlete and develop a running style to fit the athletes current body structure, abilities and the demands of the sport they participate in. Starting stance, first step, short burst, acceleration, start-stop, change of direction and top end speed are just some of the forms we can develop in any athlete.
Build Your House of Speed
Quite frankly, most speed training practices are lacking in approach and scope. It’s like trying to build a house and having two tools in your tool box. For most trainers that’s it. Lift weights and common speed drills. Just as they would be ill equipped to build a house, they are ill equipped to speed train an athlete. Trainers tout “we teach speed” actually what they do is teach drills. Take it from a former world class sprinter and someone who has trained a whole host of athletes over the past twenty plus years. A multi faceted approach is what true speed training incorporates. We unlock the speed potential in athletes.

Speed For Your Sport
Speed targeted and designed specifically for the needs and demands of your sport is what we do at Gamespeed. Everyone needs to get faster but it has to be done with your sport in mind. Do you need a blazing first step, stop on a dime, juke and cut to shake a defender, block a goal, outrun the field? Every sport, each position within the sport , and how an athlete plays that sport will determine how you train.
We have speed training for a variety of sports including:
Baseball/Softball  Basketball  Soccer  Football   Lacrosse    Hockey    Track & Field    Tennis     Swimming