Below is the initial follow up and results dated Feb 8th 2016.  As of July22nd only one athlete has suffered an arm injury due to an extended lay off vacation period and resuming throwing without the proper ramp up activities. One athlete is still throwing on average 88-89 mph at this late date at the Area Code tryouts.  A four (4) mph improvement over his last years average.


The Top Gun program concluded last month in our opinion with great success. The program consisted of twenty three (23) training days (after 8 days prep cycle) over a four month period, twice a week and four training cycles. Two days were guest instructors one on Grip & Spin for Effective Pitching and the second on Mental Skills training. So actually twenty one (21) training days. The goals of the program were accomplished by each and every athlete. In addition, every athlete who started the program on day one finished the program. We lost no athletes during this process.

Unlike most programs that start with huge fanfare and high participation we graduated every athlete who signed up. This speaks to the dedication and enthusiasm of our athletes and the attractiveness of the program. Guys want to be involved.

61%had perfect attendance, completed every workout as scheduled.
85% completed all sessions with makeups.
100% Injury free training sessions. No injuries on outside throwing activities also.

The program stressed improving overall athletic abilities (strong body) and healthy arm development (strong arm/shoulder complex).
On day one athletes were tested in areas of :

**Total Body Explosiveness – Ability to generate power in a coordinated effort using upper and lower body.
*Lower Body Explosiveness – Ability to generate power from the lower body.
**Shoulder Health- Front side to backside shoulder strength ratios.
*Arm Torque- Ability for the arm to generate force at full speed with the throwing action.

*This test was only performed on the two testing days; day one October 6th and day twenty three January 23rd.
**Only performed as a training exercise for six training days in November.
NOTE: We make these distinctions to show full disclosure and illustrate that all improvements were due to total program curriculum not due to training for the test.

Athletic Ability %Average Improvement %Biggest Improvement
Total Body Explosiveness 13.95% 19%
Lower Body Explosiveness 24% 39%
Shoulder Health (Front & Back) 5.4% & 13% 7% & 17%
Arm Torque 9.3% 18%

Based on these numbers and the feedback of the athletes who were still performing throwing activities (games, showcases, bull pens) and parents who observed these activities we are also pleased with the improvement in throwing velocity . Three of the athletes have already thrown 90 mph in their off season activities. We did not advise throwing activities during the program but some decided to undertake those activities due to their team commitments. In the coming weeks we should get more information as high school tryouts begin next week.

I want to conclude by congratulating the athletes for their commitment to the program and the enthusiasm displayed at all the workouts. We had a disciplined but fun environment that fostered hard work, education and a a commitment to excellence. That has been confirmed by the results stated above and the attendance record of the athletes. I also want to thank the parents who supported their athletes in this endeavor by making sure the athlete was on time, completing make ups and taking an active interest in their development.

Have a great 2016 season!!!
See you in October!!!!!

Aaron Thigpen, Owner Gamespeed Sports
Devalin Harper, Owner Four Corner Pitching


Aaron and Devallon,

I just wanted to take the time to thank both of you for your instruction and training in the Power Throwing Program. My son, Jordyn, cannot say enough positives about this program from the aspect of getting stronger, throwing harder and getting in better shape. But the things I am most impressed with is the teamwork, chemistry and sacrifices these kids put forth together which made the biggest impression. As a father, in this velocity throwing age, I am encouraged by the improvements my son has made, but more importantly, I am encouraged by the safety and health of the athletes that is paramount with both of these instructors. I will be enrolling my youngest son in this program as well.

Thanks again,

Mike Eglite


Update February 24th

Hi Aaron 

I wanted to send a note about the differences in my son Ryan’s confidence and play since his teams tryouts after being in the program. He has played in two scrimmages and has pitched very well in his three innings on the mound. He has four strikeouts and hasn’t given up a walk or hit. His velocity has evidently increased and in training with the other players. It has given him confidence in all aspects of the game strength,flexibility and endurance. He is not at the end of the pack but in the first group when running bases and drills.

His hitting is more powerful as well, Thanks to working with you and Brian. He has had four at bats, two hits, and two line outs, he is hitting the ball hard every at bat. Coaches and parents ask what he did in the off season and Gamespeed is what made the difference.  You and coach D, have put together a great program and he actually looks forward to doing it again next season.

Thank you,

Anthony Craig

Please contact us for upcoming programs at: 925 513-8676