Youth Athletes
Youth Sports Training
Speed, Power and Agility
A young athlete’s body is constantly growing. Changes that affect athletic performance can occur over weeks or months. Therefore, managing an ever changing body requires understanding and proper care. You can’t take the same approach with a pre-teen as you would with high school or adult athletic training. The “train like the Pros” approach is unwise for youth athletes. Read what the experts say Here.
As a parent have you encountered any of these with your athlete:
- Chronic knee, elbow, back pain
- Growth spurts
- Sudden lack of balance or coordination
- Sudden loss of strength or speed
- Chronic lack of energy or fatigue
These are all common occurrences. At Gamespeed we know how to handle these problems. We devise programs and classes like, Youth Speed Skills, to not only work through but teach you and your athlete how to handle their athletic development. First, we set proper training habits such as proper warm-up, stretching, exercise technique, and recovery practices. As a result, we can help you and your athlete navigate through what can be a frustrating stage.

Pre Teen Athlete
At this level athletes need the physical and mental preparation to handle the ever increasing demands of sports. They’re more structured now, while also having a higher volume of practices. In addition, some athletes find themselves participating on multiple teams and sports at the same time. Their bodies need to properly adapt to the increase in pace, volume and intensity. Most importantly, they need the mental capacity to understand things like exertion, intensity, and the difference between pain that builds and pain that hurts. As a result, developing self confidence in one’s ability. We help youth athletes with that transition by providing an athlete development plan. This will assist them in being mentally and physically prepared for what lie’s ahead at the next level. (i.e. high school).
Group Training
Gamespeed can become that special coach for your team. We offer a variety of sports training services to enhance your team’s athletic development while also specializing in building custom programs based on the team’s training needs. We can identify goals for the team, positions within the team and individual needs of players. This provides something your competitors can’t, professional level training that has an impact.

Youth Speed Skills

Soccer Speed Skills

Youth Football